Contains: Spearmint, Myrtle, Ravintsara, Geranium, Hyssop, Rose Blend, Lavender, Clary Sage, Sage, Vetiver, and Lemon. The liquid copals in this blend are traditionally used to assist in letting go of the negative past and increase the desire to change. It brings as immediate emotional release of feelings of anger, fear, frustration, despair, loss and feeling overwhelmed. It assists in bringing back love, peace, happiness and a feeling of hope and reassurance. It soothes and strengthens the aura of the body, and is deeply relaxing. Use for conflict of thoughts and intellect. It balances the Central Nervous System and decongests the liver. Application: One drop on each ear and massage around the entire ear. Other areas to apply Compassion are over the solar plexus, across the forehead, on the temples, over the liver, on the heart, and the bottom of the feet. Companion Oils: Celebrate, Simplicity, Request, Liberate, Balance, Rejoice, and Inner Essence.