Gentle Healer
It was primarily formulated to assist with building and regenerating connective tissue from damage or injury. It. assists with cuts, bruises, skin rashes, scrapes, insect bites and is a general tonic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, major anti-infectious (staph and strap), anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic and a wonderful pain reliever. Beneficial for the respiratory, endocrine, and immune systems, and stimulates the liver cell function. Benefits poor circulation, mental fatigue, is an energy stimulant, controlling mood swings, clears thought and memory. It is uplifting, arouses ambition and drive, inspires the desire to achieve, strengthens will power and gives a sense of healing, protection and courage. It has been used to assist animals with deep flesh wounds. Contain - Rosemary, Tea Tree, Clove Buds and Helichrysum italicum.