
SANDALWOOD COPAL (Essential Oil), Wild: Australia (Santalum spicatum), SANDALWOOD COPAL (Essential Oil), Wild: East India (Santalum album) GRAS - In an effort to assist in saving the Sandalwood forests of India I encourage the use of the Sandalwood from Australia. It appears to be an excellent quality with the same wonderful benefits. May assist as an anti-depressant, sedative (nerves), antiseptic (urinary and pulmonary), anti-spasmodic, astringent, bactericidal, emollient, expectorant, fungicidal, infections, and stimulates the immune system. Assists and balances any skin type or condition (dry, aged, cracked, chapped), increases water retention of collagen, psoriasis, eczema, increases capillary circulation, connective tissue and dermis are strengthened and moisturized, wonderful as a hair dressing. Decongests lymph and venous system, pulmonary, heart tonic, cardiac fatigue, hemorrhoids, muscle spasms, sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, strengthens connective tissue. Beneficial for bronchitis, catarrh, sinusitis, coughs (dry, persistent), sore throat, strep, staph, earaches, laryngitis, cholera, diarrhea, gastritis, nausea, cystitis, urinary, any inflammation or congestion of kidneys and bladder, aphrodisiac, impotence, menstrual problems, pelvic and prostate congestion, gonorrhea, increases fat metabolism (energy), assists digestion, sedative. Assists depression, insomnia, stress and nervous tension, for obsessions, past ties, feelings of isolation and aggression, grief and egocentric behavior. Assists in removing negative programming from the cells, increases oxygen around the pituitary and pineal glands, supporting in cases of low self-confidence and fear. Aromatic influences: quieting, meditation and healing.

Found in Attract, Changes, Sweet Dreams, Angel Wings, Simplicity, Synergy, Destiny and Trauma Free.