Ylang Ylang

YLANG YLANG COMPLETE COPAL (Essential Oil), Organically Grown: Comores and YLANG YLANG EXTRA, Organic: Madagascar (Cananga odorata genuina) GRAS - The Ylang Ylang Extra is the first extraction and is therefore more concentrated and may achieve faster results by using less oil than the Ylang Ylang Complete. They both are calming, relaxing, and soothing to nervous system, anti-spasmodic. Assists balancing the equilibrium and heart function, high blood pressure, palpitations, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, general tonic, diabetes, mental fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, hair loss, reducing hyperpnea (abnormally fast breathing), general skin care (wrinkles, balancing oily skin), poor self esteem. Aromatic influences: dispelling anger, emotional coldness, tension, frustration, balancing, love, and enhancing relationships.

Found in Attract, Baby Blend, Heart & Soul, Angel Wings, Inner Essence, Confidence and Reflections.