Blossom into your true radiance. Easy-to-use tools to open, balance, clear, and energize the chakras with flower essences from the North West and around the world.
Let the wildflowers support you in re-balancing your chakras emotionally and spiritually. This box set of seven formulas offers with pure, potent spiritual frequencies of Northwest wildflowers and sacred flowers from around the World. Seven - ½ oz. bottles.
Some Suggested Uses:
Choose a formula by the physical area of the body needing support. Check the chakras needing support. Use Formulas one-by-one in sequence (1, 2, 3, 4…) for complete chakra balancing process. Choose one to take over time. Place drops directly on the body Apply drops to the palm of your hands before hands-on healing (ie, Reiki) Place drops on the tongue or in drinking water before or after healing treatment.
CONNECT 1st Chakra, CREATE 2nd Chakra, EMPOWER 3rd Chakra, RELATE 4th Chakra EXPRESS 5th Chakra, IMAGINE 6th Chakra, ENLIGHTEN 7th Chakra, |