ROSEWOOD COPAL (Essential Oil), Wild: Brazil (Aniba roseodora) Is considered to be anti-infectious, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic. Assists in slowing aging, cell stimulant and tissue regenerator, creating skin elasticity, soothing for skin problems (balancing skin, clearing blemishes and improving acne). Beneficial for candida, vaginitis, depression, scars, wounds, ticklish coughs, sore throat, colds, fever, for all bronco-pulmonary infections (especially in babies), immune stimulant. Assists frigidity, relieves nausea with headaches, nervous tension and stress, stabilizes and balances the Central Nervous System, overall tonic relaxant, nervous depression, asthenia, low energy, overwork, jet lag, may assist suffers of sexual abuse, and promoting alertness. Aromatic influences: peace, gentleness, calming and relaxing the nerves. It helps to relieve anxiety, stress, balances the emotions and killing airborne bacteria.
Found in Baby Blend, Angel Wings, Balance and Destiny.