Size: 5ml
Size: 15ml

Clary Sage

CLARY SAGE COPAL (Essential Oil), Organic: Bulgaria (Salvia sclarea) Has been known to be beneficial in regulating cells, hormonal imbalance, menopause problems, PMS, menstrual cramps (minimizes the pain), itching and irritation of herpes. Also candida outbreaks, infections, exhaustion, nerves, mental strain, hostility, strengthening the immune system, sore throat, bronchitis, cholesterol, debility, genitals, hemorrhoids, frigidity, last stages of labor (may intensify contractions), seborrhea, hair loss, scalp massage and acne (may be extremely good for skin). Also blood pressure, childbirth (may get contractions going), antispasmodic (may soothe asthma attacks), sedative, claustrophobia, hyperactivity, nightmares. In mid-life crisis it may exert a balancing influence. Use in times of personal challenges or change, especially external stress and pressure. Aromatic influences: very calming, may enhance the dream state and bring about a feeling of euphoria.

Found in Identity and Changes.