ROSEMARY COPAL (Essential Oil), Organically Grown: Hungary (Rosmarinus officinalis) GRAS - A general all around oil. Beneficial as a restorative, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, anti-catarrhal (mucus clearing quickly), anti-bacterial, anti-infectious, immune system, colds, and flu. Assists the endocrine system, regulating ovaries and testicular functions, candida, sinusitis, bronchitis, viral hepatitis, diabetes, cholera, mental fatigue, excellent for mornings stimulation and energy, enlivens, clears and awakens the brain, lethargy, aids speech, hearing, sight, and assists in opening the throat chakra. Beneficial for headache, migraines, strengthens and promotes hair growth, dandruff, lice, cellulite, arthritis, fluid retention, irregular periods, regenerates and builds connective tissue, lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol. Assists seborrhea, poor circulation, angina, varicose veins, rheumatism, asthma, whooping cough, colitis, jaundice, nervous and physical exhaustion, stress, gout, skin infections, muscular spasms, and sprains. Benefits kidney and liver problems, stimulates liver metabolism and gall bladder action (bile), assists enlarged liver-cirrhosis, protects liver cells, analgesic, disorientation, aging (promoting new cell growth), strengthening the body, anemia, controlling mood swings, cellular metabolism. Aromatic influences: longevity, clear thought, memory, conscious mind, uplifting, and love. Arouses ambition and drive, inspires the desire to achieve and strengthens willpower.
Found in Gentle Healer, Wisdom, Defense, Purify and Ancient Remedy.