PEPPERMINT COPAL (Essential Oil): USA first distilled, India Organically Grown and England Organic, first distilled (Mentha piperita) GRAS - Benefits the respiratory system, opens the sensory system, for stimulation, strengthening, shock, fever, headache, migraine, antiseptic, throat infection, colds and flu. Beneficial for asthma, bronchitis, itchy skin, anti-spasmodic, inflammation, swelling, sinuses, anti-bacterial, jet lag, chronic fatigue syndrome, colic, cramp, fatigue, nervous stress, vertigo, toothache, acne, ringworm, heartburn, diarrhea, indigestion, motion sickness, nausea, halitosis, varicose veins, arthritis, menstrual regularity, hot flashes, liver problems, dispels pride, inferiority. It mixes well with all oils (use in small amounts). Aromatic influences: purification and the conscious mind, energize and relieves mental fatigue, increases alertness, improves concentration, reduces fevers.
Found in Breathe Ease, Wisdom, Freedom, Synergy, Sacred Essence, Regenerate and Comfort.